Iota spoke with an enthusiasm that caused several raised eyebrows.
The commission's recommendations, which were leaked over the weekend, are already causing raised eyebrows in Washington.
Few women patronized the Rod, Reel and Gun Club, and the appearance of any female caused raised eyebrows.
"Faithless Heart" is a downtempo song that caused eyebrows to raise when it was released in the late 1980s.
On the road I caused my beard and eyebrows to be shaved, and put on a Calender's habit.
And in another development that caused automotive eyebrows to rise, Honda outsold the Chrysler group last month for the first time.
Usually a cash transaction would cause raised eyebrows, but in this case it was customary.
She goes to the wake in hysterics causing eyebrows to raise, especially the deceased's widow.
But the Palestinians' behavior caused eyebrows to arch.
Dances she didn't know- dances to jaunty melodies that caused raised, but indulgent eyebrows among the village ladies.