The mutations cause expression of a defective α chain or complete absence thereof, an essential part of high-affinity interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptors.
We do not know what causes expression in males," Augustine said, "though we suspect some sort of pheromone triggering process, perhaps from female partners.
Furthermore, opsonization of the antigen and subsequent binding to an activated phagocyte will cause increased expression of complement receptors on neighboring phagocytes.
Likewise, the sE supplementation used caused low expression of the stress-induced isoform of heme oxygenase, (HO-1).
In a transient knockdown, the binding of this oligonucleotide to the active gene or its transcripts causes decreased expression through a variety of processes.
These promoters can cause aberrant expression of linked genes, causing disease or mutant phenotypes.
Exercise causes increased expression of PGC-1alpha in muscle, involved in muscle adaptation to exercise.
Possible explanations include promoter mutation or silencing of the GPC3 gene causing reduced expression in these patients.
This mutation in MED12 causes incorrect expression and activity of the protein it encodes, resulting in the disorder.
Skeletal actin itself, when expressed, causes expression of several other "myogenic genes", which are essential to muscle formation.