A warming atmosphere causes more evaporation of water from the ocean, which means more rain, snow or sleet.
Overcharging wastes current and causes rapid evaporation of the water in the electrolyte, for these reasons it should be guarded against.
Higher air temperatures will cause more evaporation of seawater, which must then condense into precipitation.
They protect the leaves from most of the oxygen that causes evaporation and results in wilting, yet allow some air flow, which discourages mildew.
The air in half-empty bottles causes evaporation and deterioration.
When the frozen ground disappears, associated surface air temperatures increase causing increased evaporation of fresh water supplies.
Scientists believe the jump was due to the probe causing evaporation of methane from within Titan's soil.
This wind is not invariably hot; its great dryness causes so much evaporation that cold is not infrequently the result.
The heat radiated by the trunks is efficiently absorbed by the surrounding snow, causing evaporation.
In addition, the wind will cause desiccation and evaporation in the needles causing branches to die on this side of the trees.