Unmade surfaces are particularly likely to cause dust on your site.
Caddrick shouted, causing dust to jump on the surface of Bull's immense desk.
The excess oil on the surface of the skin causes dirt and dust from the environment to adhere to it.
Their eating the "little red fruits" causes golden dust - knowledge - to suddenly begin drifting down on them.
He spat on the ground, causing dust to rise.
The latter are favoured where lifters would cause excessive dust pick-up.
When the sun was formed, it caused gases and dust to be dispelled into space.
Vibration reached the room where he lay and caused dust to rise from the cracks in the dessicated parquet floor.
But the new highways and Metro stations are a maze of works in progress, causing dust and delays.
All can become dirty in the winter, when low humidity increases static electricity, causing dust to cling.