Does eating cheese - especially toasted cheese - really cause bad dreams?
It was always not knowing, turning away from truth, that caused night sweats and bad dreams.
It did consistently cause vivid dreams when taken at bedtime.
If you have ever wondered about why people have to sleep or what causes dreams, then read on.
Just like a fever; a head injury may cause strange dreams, or even allow minor demons to penetrate.
Counting sheep-and soon the monotony of the distraction caused relaxation and dreams.
Piracetam is not used directly to cause vivid dreams; it is even said to prevent them.
God-isles often have unusual effects on those nearby, including causing strange dreams of things that happened to the god when it was alive.
Not enough to panic anyone, but enough to rouse some and cause bad dreams in others.
The cortex attempts to make sense of the random inputs it is receiving, which causes dreams.