After the Massachusetts report was issued, the group's board of directors said in a statement, "Bishop Murphy's very presence causes disunity and hinders the restoration of trust in our diocese."
Li initially hesitated, believing that this would cause disunity among the ranks, but Zheng finally persuaded him that Zhai was too much of a risk.
Rabbi Davidson accused the Orthodox of causing Jewish disunity and rejecting "us" (Reform Jewry).
He assailed the Bush administration for the war in Iraq, which he said was built on lies and had caused great suffering and disunity.
Is the unity cabinet causing more disunity?
"The problems and needs of each have little in common with the other", wrote he, and this often "caused disunity."
The reasons for the failure were obvious, the people were totally despondent after three years of famine, having been prompted to rise early resulted in an inadequacy of military preparations, which caused disunity among the leaders.
He cautioned the forum leaders to resist infiltrators wanting to cause disunity and instability in the country.
The Thai government banned the film fearing it will cause societal disunity.