Severe flooding at the time caused debris to build up against the bridge.
His pumpkin bombs managed to cause debris to fall on Hercules, but he manages to escape the rubble.
Impact with the Edesian scout caused debris to spread outward at warp one point zero three five.
A nearby surface impact caused debris to fall on the Technician, killing him.
The blast wind is the area of low pressure that causes debris and fragments to actually rush back towards the original explosions.
A worker in a southeastern Kentucky mine died after a roof collapsed, causing rock and debris to fall on him, the authorities said.
The explosion causes debris to travel towards Earth with the possibility of causing an extinction level event.
The rainfall caused debris to collect on roads throughout the island.
Each rock removed caused smaller debris to filter downward.
Matter is produced in place of the nothing, causing dangerous rockfalls and debris to rain down on Littleville.