Because gentamicin can cause kidney damage and deafness, doctors are usually cautious in prescribing it.
Hearing loss in one ear does not cause deafness but directionality is impaired.
Prolonged exposure to gunfire began a process of hearing loss which eventually caused severe deafness in old age.
More than 40 genes have been identified to cause deafness.
Simultaneously slapping both ears with cupped hands can cause permanent deafness.
No case had ever been recorded where penicillin had caused deafness.
The drug may be toxic to children in large doses18 and causes deafness in the foetus.
Complications from his surgery caused pleuritis, deafness, and serious debilitation.
Tobramycin is known to cause deafness in the baby when taken during pregnancy.
Advertisers are still allowed to say their piece, but not in a fashion which causes deafness.