The Deepness is attacking again, the mists increasingly covering the land during the day now, causing crops to fail.
Getting back to an example from Earth, it's very similar to the position that early rain in the Nile delta in the spring causes good crops in the fall.
Chickenpox causes crops of red spots that develop central fluid-filled vesicles before crusting over.
Last year, when a drought caused crops in Ukraine and Russia to fail, grain prices rose dramatically around the world.
This was the year in which an extended and severe drought began which caused crops to fail, leaving the plowed fields exposed to wind erosion.
Strong winds and much rain caused flooding in streets, ruined crops (mostly tobacco), and damaged farms.
Unstable economic activity have caused steadily rising prices in corn, wheat, and other crops that require a relatively long frost-free growing schedule along with an unstable weather pattern.
Coolings of a few degrees centigrade, some following major volcanic explosions, have caused crops to fail and produced widespread suffering and famine.
However a series of grasshopper plagues beginning in 1873 caused crops to fail for several years in a row, and the town was abandoned.
The increased vog level has caused evacuations and damaged crops.