This has caused consumers to take out mortgage loans, cutting back on other types of borrowing, many economists believe.
Some even think this new pessimism is causing consumers to spend less.
The restraints have caused consumers to pay higher prices.
This misinterpretation can cause potential consumers to find this "product" appealing even though what they see, hear, or read may not be true.
High energy costs and a "fragile" employment picture could cause less affluent consumers to tighten spending, he said.
The recession is causing Japanese consumers to hold on to cars longer.
The Middle East oil shock, the worst in a decade, also caused consumers to close their checkbooks.
At the same time, we recognize and feel badly about the inconvenience this is going to cause consumers.
Heartland, it's good to know you feel bad for the "inconvenience this is going to cause consumers."
He added the possibility of a stock market downturn, which he said would cause consumers and businesses to cut their spending.