Mr. Gietzen claimed that Dr. Tiller's vehicle hit him, causing bruising.
Like the sternal rub, though, this can cause bruising, and is recommended against, in favour of squeezing the side of the finger.
Under these circumstances, the chain may cause bruising, and can even result in damage to the nerves unless adjusted.
It was alleged that he slapped a child and caused bruising, recurring headaches and possible brain damage.
Several less-invasive procedures are available including laser-assisted liposuction in which fat is melted before it's removed, which may cause less bruising.
The saliva of a darkhound is an acid that causes bruising and burns which spread quickly, and a few drops are enough to kill a person.
Long term glucocorticoid therapy can cause easy bruising.
Blunt instruments typically inflict blunt force trauma, causing bruising, fractures and other internal bleeding.
Restylane often causes bruising and swelling for a few days.
The 'Mackenzie Poltergeist' is said to cause bruising, bites and cuts on those who come into contact with it and many visitors have reported feeling strange sensations.