Sexual acts or references with the intention of causing arousal is not likely to be permitted.
Today, these films are revered more for their camp value than any ability to cause sexual arousal.
Yet, the 2005 study found that the areas that cause sexual arousal in the brain aren't fully active as people fall in love.
This reduces oxygen in the blood and causes arousal from sleep.
It is also used to cause sexual arousal.
He had- (no) Time enough to think of that later, maybe, when it would do something for her besides cause useless arousal.
It can cause strong arousal in men and women, in some even stronger than stimulation of the genitals.
You've been given a stimulant to match your body chemistry, one that will cause arousal in you when the men are present.
Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal.
But when it's used in conjunction with things that shouldn't cause sexual arousal, it is.