Each bump caused a cloud of black insects to rise from the meat.
Winn shook her head vigorously, a motion that caused a small cloud of dust to rise from her hair.
The accident caused contamination of the ventilation system and a cloud of toxic gas in the Petrolia sky.
He dipped it into the bucket of water, pouring more over the rocks and causing a fresh cloud of steam to fill the chamber.
Just then, the poodle shook itself vigorously, causing a cloud of chalk dust to fall like snow over the judge's purple dress.
Harman says the proposal for a ban on the employment of relatives should not "cause a cloud" to hang over relatives who work in parliament.
Saint Peter causing a cloud to protect the faithful from the sun, Jeremias Mittendorff, oil on wood (1629)
An explosion at the firm's Seveso facility in 1976 caused a toxic cloud to contaminate the town.
Patting Christopher on the back caused a small cloud of dust to rise from his clothes.
Billions of candleflies caused a sparkling cloud to fog the Feast Grid.