A tasloi is 3-feet tall with green skin and gold, catlike eyes.
She was the same height as the other beings he had encountered, with a small, pointed chin and large, blue catlike eyes.
But now the suspicious catlike eyes studied them, utterly without warmth or welcome.
The girl was paralyzed with fear as two gleaming, catlike eyes saw her standing just within the range of the light.
Those catlike eyes of his will see them in the dark.
She sat on the bed opposite Beckett, her catlike eyes wide open.
But she had big, brown, catlike eyes and she seemed so intense.
Enough moonlight found its way into the cleft to serve Conan's catlike eyes.
Sam stared at the catlike eyes across the hallway.
She's twenty-six years old and beautiful, with short brown hair and catlike eyes.