Christ Church also contains the largest cathedral crypt (63.4m long) in Britain or Ireland, constructed in 1172-1173.
Meanwhile, having an interest in the cathedral crypt, Jasper seeks the company of Durdles, a man who knows more about the crypt than anyone else.
Durdles takes Jasper into the cathedral crypt.
After his funeral, Bishop Cosgrove was laid to rest in the cathedral crypt.
However, you can still find the Duke himself, for his lifelike effigy is now in the cathedral crypt, with his stone bear cub still at his feet.
This photograph is combined with an image of the star-studded ceiling of a cathedral crypt in Zurich.
Among those interred in the cathedral crypts (similar in style to that of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City) are:
He pursues Rosa with an intensity that pushes him to the edge of sanity, while a trail of evidence points ominously to the cathedral crypt.
The crypt is one of the four apsidal cathedral crypts in England, the others being at Worcester, Winchester and Canterbury.
There is a museum of Bulgarian icons inside the cathedral crypt, part of the National Art Gallery.