The survey told us that we had very few 11-19 year old visitors - an age group now catered for increasingly by our educational activities.
And maybe have it catered by a famous French restaurant with a sympathetic chef.
The wedding industry caters to these different traditions by the sheer availability of locations and options it provides.
After dinner, catered by Cipriani, came the show.
Why not hire a team of synchronized swimmers to entertain and have it catered by Chasen's?
The tax break would apply to hotel rooms, catering fees and other purchases by film production companies that would ordinarily be subject to sales taxes.
The corporate jet business used to be the model of civility, catering to customers who preferred to be stirred, not shaken, by salesmanship.
Food catered by the Nile Hilton, and served by those zaftig waitresses.
Under his name were the printed words, "This dinner catered for your enjoyment by Enyart's, famous for fine dining across the galaxy."
Cell C's network has 90% population coverage as of the end of 2011, the balance catered for by Vodacom data coverage.