The categories (psychographic profiles) used to assign people, reflect personality characteristics which the researchers can analyze and use for their particular purposes.
For example, Wall Street gets into trouble when the categories it uses to describe particular stocks don't reflect investor expectations.
The report showed that Japanese are spending more on travel, recreation, transportation and education, although the last category may reflect an increase in college tuition.
This new category reflects one of the fastest-growing sectors of the travel industry: online bookings.
As sociological factors, racial categories may in part reflect subjective attributions, self-identities, and social institutions.
That category reflects business plans to expand production facilities.
Note that these categories reflect levels of enhancement, not clarity.
Thus, the categories used may not accurately reflect the real relationships involved.
The 2000 U.S. census states that racial categories "generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country.
Hardwood categories reflect the size and condition of boards.