Finally, modern linguists have adopted the practice of using abbreviated grammatical category labels.
Categorization tasks in which category labels are provided to the learner for certain objects are referred to as supervised classification, supervised learning, or concept learning.
If the lines, which were presented individually, were shown without any category label, then errors of judgement tended to be random.
The a-trees identify heads by way of category labels, whereas the b-trees use the words themselves as the labels.
Registrations are permitted directly at the second level (unrestricted zone) or at the third level (restricted zone) beneath several category labels.
They argued that if only the neutral category labels were presented, people high and low in prejudice would respond differently.
This is a broad category label for licenses and permits required by all business types.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children uses the following category labels, the scores are scaled with a standard deviation of 15.
In the terminology of cognitive linguistics, Lakoff views both liberal and conservative as "radial category" labels.
A mixing of labeling conventions (i.e. category label vs. actual word) helps draw attention to the presence of both constituency and dependency.