A category with a blue or green background indicates that the settings in the category are "healthy".
This category indicates the "Highest Recommendation."
The categories indicate a target age profile for the ports, not their actual ages, though many people mistakenly believe that the categories indicate the minimum average ages of the blends.
This is by no means the only goal (as the categories above and below indicate), or even necessarily the overriding one, but Bahá'ís are warned against courses of study which "begin and end in words":
This category often indicates industry plans to expand and modernize production facilities.
The latter category indicates a more pervasive tumor diathesis and generally a less favorable prognosis.
Children are likely to fall into the same categories as their primary caregivers indicating that the caregivers' internal working models affect the way they relate to their child.
The first 2 categories indicate free-movement of traffic (i.e. under 85% capacity), the C category indicates reaching capacity 85%-100%, whilst D indicates over capacity.
That category indicated that weakness in motor vehicles had been spreading to metals, textiles, machine tools and related supplier industries.
Indeed, many categories of drugs indicate this in their names - for instance, the antibiotics, antidepressants, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatories, antacids and so on.