The diagnostic categories vary in description, with more familiar categories described less.
This category also describes the plants that keep growing until the frost ends their being.
That man always has 16 balls in the air, and I don't know a word or a category to describe him.
In the end, they decided both, and created a new category, Centaurs, to describe small bodies orbiting among the giant planets.
These categories describe the size of the rim in relation to the base of the case.
Also, it is important to note that the categories describe the literal content of the metaphor, not the metaphoric aspect.
In other words, the category describes societies that remain dependent, and to some extent underdeveloped, despite having achieved significant levels of industrialization.
This category describes a set of techniques in which one electrode is inserted into the cell.
Coincidentally, these three categories describe most of the programs on public television lately.
The categories describe only broad ideological directions and tendencies.