Shah-i-Kot is a catchall name for a cluster of villages in the mountains of Paktia Province, not far from Afghanistan's border with Pakistan.
The Hustle is a catchall name for some disco dances which were extremely popular in the 1970s.
The original Latin term for shearwaters was usually the catchall name for sea-birds, mergus.
Among the several special police units in Ukraine "Berkut" became a catchall name for all the others.
Starways Congress had reached the obvious conclusion: Demosthenes was simply the catchall name used by any rebel who wanted to get attention.
"Ragtime" as a catchall name for syncopated popular music remained popular through the 1910s.
The name "Knockouts" as a catchall name for the women stuck after that.
Watergate was the catchall name for a multitentacled scandal that had many consequences, a main one being that it eventually gave Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman a chance to show off their investigative reporting skills.
Basically this is a catchall name for the three developing countries the author has lived and worked in: Laos, Nepal, and Afghanistan.