Abuse by the government through a catch-all phrase of "Public Interest"
I do so love the "and big business" almost as a catch-all afterthought phrase.
Homelessness becomes this catch-all phrase, and behind it is the whole range of social problems, plus the housing shortage.
What, in other words, made the category of "foreign film" something more than a convenient, catch-all phrase?
In the corporate world, she concludes, "not available" has become a lazy catch-all phrase.
It has since sometimes been applied as a catch-all phrase for a number of groups of mixed-race ancestry.
The word gets thrown around a lot and tends to be used as a catch-all phrase to describe a wide range of loosely connected issues.
Managed competition is a catch-all phrase to describe only tinkering with the private insurance market.
"It's become a catch-all phrase, and it means a lot of different things," she said.
'Peeking' is a beautiful, effective catch-all phrase that you could say to a bishop.