"Dead or alive, night or day: how do albatrosses catch squid?"
This erotic comedy follows the life of Haruo Maekawa, a young man who makes a living catching squid.
The fleets deploy enormous nets - up to 30 miles long - that drift through the ocean, ostensibly to catch squid.
The nets catch not only squid but salmon, dolphins, seals and other marine animals, as well as sea birds.
The Japanese use them primarily to catch squid.
The Japanese use such nets primarily to catch squid.
It is used mainly to catch groundfish and squid, but smaller pelagic fish can also be caught.
Normally they might have to swim out and dive to 300 or 400 metres to catch squid.
Handlining is most often used to catch groundfish and squid but other species are sometimes caught, including pelagic fish.
The best times to catch squid is late summer though winter.