Catching spies for the former Soviet Union is not exactly a good career move anymore.
What in hell has busting dopers got to do with catching spies?
That may be a good way to catch potential spies, but there have been a few too many informer-enabled cases lately.
I'm sorry we don't have instant solutions, Commissioner, but catching spies is not what we're trained for.
It is more important to Oates to catch spies than to prevent them spying.
He had been a deputy assistant director of the intelligence division, which tracks and occasionally catches spies.
Catching Italian spies was always easy - you located the most beautiful women in town, and looked under their beds.
It would be good if we could catch spies who actually work for foreign countries.
Well they've already caught spies trying to sneak into the compound.
The player is responsible for catching potential spies in their own kingdom.