Many people enjoy fishing trips departing from Beaumaris in these waters, catching mainly mackerel, but many other species are caught.
Join a fishing boat and catch mackerel, bass or even shark.
According to Aukerman: "While drinking all this coffee in the midst of catching mackerel they came up with the concept of All - doing the utmost, achieving the utmost.
"We should be catching mackerel to beat the band," he said as the tender approached the trap.
He transferred his attention to the hordebeasts, who were leaping about in the shallows, trying to catch mackerel from a shoal that had ventured in too close.
With properly designed vessels, trolling is an economical and efficient way of catching tuna, mackerel and other pelagic fish swimming close to the surface.
The Doxsees' traps off Jones Beach and Point Lookout caught albacore, bonita, mackerel, butterfish, porgies and squid.
"And the dog, will he catch mackerel too ?"
It is far simpler to operate a decent discard system further north, where fisheries are relatively clean, where you go to fish for mackerel and you catch virtually only mackerel.
This organization was catching, landing and processing herring and mackerel for major multiples.