The dragon maneuvered expertly and swooped down to catch her in his great jaws.
Taylor snapped at her hand, almost catching her finger in his jaws.
In a moment the dragon lunged forward, trying to catch the entire boat in its huge jaws, but falling short.
One of the raptors caught the strut in its jaws and jerked it hard.
Hall turned the hose on the rat, which was old and moving slowly, a snatch of Carmichael's shirt still caught in its jaws.
Still they soon came up, and now I must twist every few yards, or be caught in their jaws.
The Young Male whose leg had caught in the Other's shiny jaws.
Sure enough, Cougar charged right in and caught the skunk in his jaws.
If one was caught in their jaws it meant certain death.
Then the monster rolled, its prey caught in its jaws.