Besides catching drunken drivers and encouraging tough local police action, the steps send a message to those who might consider driving after drinking.
Parliament recently overturned a move to bring in random breath testing to catch drivers who are over the legal limit.
A sale of new taxi medallions and the installation cameras to catch drivers who run red lights were also given a nod.
The court has upheld roadblocks to catch drunken drivers and, near the country's borders, illegal immigrants.
Turn 1 is an incredibly challenging, medium speed corner that catches several drivers out.
The light was fading, she said, and it was a good spot to catch drivers trying to the beat the red light.
But the police say they have found widespread support - or at least, few complaints - for using the technology to catch drivers who run red lights.
The roadside spot-checks usually appear during the holidays to catch drunk drivers, but the program lasts year round.
The Marines and the Army rely on periodic checkpoints to catch drivers by surprise.
The District of Columbia police have put them on utility poles to catch drivers running red lights.