In some parts of England and Wales crayfish trapping is not permitted due to the potential for catching native crayfish.
Indigenous Australians used the stems for making traps for catching crayfish.
Now show me how to catch crayfish for dinner.
There was a duck pond on the land, and a stream where her children could catch crayfish and crabs.
They caught sunfish and catfish, turtles of several varieties and sharp-toothed crayfish.
Of necessity, young Marco turned into a resourceful outdoorsman - fishing, foraging, hunting hare, catching pheasants and crayfish with his bare hands.
They participated in such activities as catching crayfish, working as maids in a nudist resort, and sausage-making.
Trap setters - are used to set pots or traps for catching fish, crabs, lobsters, crayfish and other similar species.
I was particularly interested in this dish because, as a boy, I went to a nearby river and caught fresh crayfish.
Men and boys use commercial nylon nets to catch fish, crayfish, and shrimp-like crustaceans.