Zamloch would then fish with rod and line and catch live and wet carp from the trough.
This is not meant to be a criticism of the many carp bait firms which have for a long time sold baits which catch carp.
Among other species, anglers catch carp, amur and perch.
Every year in August, the Boat Tavern, a waterfront bar in Bath, holds a fishing tournament in which teams of anglers catch silver carp.
He was teaching her some of his country's customs in catching carp, an unusual-looking creature with a trunk-like mouth, which vacuums food from the river bottom.
They may be captured by the "suspension method" used to catch silver carp, or, where legal, by snagging them by jerking a weighted treble hook through the water.
Krystom's main impact so far has been in catching carp, the Independent readers of the fish world.
Locust Creek also offers the chance to catch bullhead, drum, and carp.
We'd catch carp, gudgeon and chub, and even the occasional eel.
However, local fishermen still catch carp introduced several years ago.