The owners of these accounts would cover their large medical bills by buying a high-deductible, or catastrophic, policy.
Dissent against the war didn't put him in jeopardy; catastrophic foreign policy did.
They also have catastrophic policies to help cover larger damages, but insurers might balk at paying if fraud is shown.
Likewise, Tanzania for many years vigorously promoted education and health, but it stagnated because of catastrophic economic policies inspired by a quasi-socialist ideology.
The combination of Medisave and reform invites a scheme: healthy people buy catastrophic policies until they become sick or pregnant; then they switch to ordinary coverage.
Under this provision, individuals could buy catastrophic policies to cover large medical bills and deposit money into a tax-free account from which to pay routine bills.
Some states now require insurers to offer at least catastrophic medical policies to everyone.
Stalingrad was being interpreted as the consequence of what was now becoming to be widely viewed as Hitler's catastrophic policy and leadership.
We have all seen the outcome of this catastrophic policy.
That is the dramatic situation to which the catastrophic policies implemented have led the countryside and the farming economies of the EU's Member States.