The potential for a catastrophic global disease already exists.
A similar but less catastrophic disease is fibrous dysplasia, which is caused by a post-zygotic mutation.
"There's no doubt that the evolution of the industry has created more efficiency, but it's also made it more vulnerable to catastrophic diseases."
This later evolved into the world-renowned City of Hope National Medical Center, a recognized leader in fighting cancer and other catastrophic diseases.
I do think cancer has more impact on emotions and emotional relationships than other catastrophic diseases, because with cancer, death is often...
It is a children's hospital and a pediatric treatment and research facility in oncology and in children's catastrophic diseases.
Maybe somebody gets a catastrophic disease.
When you think about it, given his poor reasoning skills (would you let this man treat your catastrophic disease?)
It takes a special kind of person to offer a healing touch to someone suffering from a chronic or catastrophic disease.
H & H and other employers have argued that costly catastrophic diseases undermine their ability to provide employee health-care benefits programs.