The over-65 population should continue on Medicare benefits, which should be further expanded to eliminate all costs to individuals for catastrophic care.
But much more disturbing to many, he said, is the 15 percent income tax surcharge for catastrophic care that takes effect this year.
The thrust of his plan is to have Washington create a fund to subsidize catastrophic care.
For the first time in Medicare's history, there will be a stop-loss, a kind of catastrophic care.
Some of the money would be used for a required catastrophic care policy, and the employee would spend or save the rest.
As a doctor I have always been against health insurance except for catastrophic care and for the very poor.
For example, it records the death of the surtax for catastrophic care.
This is a far graver problem for most Americans than catastrophic care.
The new law will pay for "catastrophic" care - unlimited stays.
As a physician, I have always been against health insurance except for catastrophic care and for those financially unable to pay.