Cis-alkenes can be converted to trans-alkenes using a catalytic amount of protonating agent.
Heated with catalytic amounts of acid, it depolymerizes back to acetaldehyde:
These initiation factors must associate with the ribosome in stoichiometric proportions, while Rli1p is required in catalytic amounts.
A catalytic amount of iodine is sometimes added to initiate the reaction, which can be quite vigorous.
In alcoholic solvents, magnesium metal and a catalytic amount of mercury(II) chloride may be used.
TPAP is expensive, but it can be used in catalytic amounts.
Sandmeyer reactions with copper salts used in catalytic amounts are also known.
Under the Hajos-Parrish conditions only a catalytic amount of proline is necessary (3 mol%).
In some cases the reaction is carried out with a catalytic amount of an electron carrier such as biphenyl or naphthalene.
Most of these employ catalytic amounts of a transition metal complex and use hydrogen gas as the reducing agent.