A third component of most catalysts is a carrier, a material that determines the size and the shape of catalyst particles.
The bottom product oil from the main fractionator contains residual catalyst particles which were not completely removed by the cyclones in the top of the reactor.
The catalyst particle remains buried in the growth tip of the fiber at a final concentration of about a few parts per million.
The formation of carbides appears to improve catalytic activity, however it can also lead to the mechanical break-up and attrition of the catalyst particles.
Carbon-rich "coke" deposits on the catalyst particles and deactivates the catalyst in less than 1 second.
Even the size of the catalyst particle can change the way a reaction runs.
Control of these phase transformations can be important in maintaining catalytic activity and preventing breakdown of the catalyst particles.
Many of those preparations suffer from deposition scarce, unwanted large size or aggregates of catalyst particles even at a relatively low loading content.
These reactors are tubular and are filled with solid catalyst particles, most often used to catalyze gas reactions.
Subsequently it will polymerise, initiated by catalyst particles (Grubbs catalyst) that are also dispersed through the system.