As the show's modest catalogue suggests, written treatises on astrology were thick with arcane symbols that only initiates could fathom.
But as the exhibition and its informative catalogue suggest, they are also subtle indicators of political upheaval.
The catalogue suggests they are measuring time and money and are thus subtle symbols of the fin de siecle.
Existing catalogues of galaxies suggest that the universe is short of the necessary amount of mass by a factor of two or three.
The catalogue suggests sauteing them with fresh thyme, or eating them with roasted lamb.
A catalogue I received last week suggests that the trend is more pervasive than he supposes and has commercial potential.
Use the catalogues suggested in the box to explore all the interesting greens and vegetables you can't buy in the market.
The back-to-perennials movement is strong, and many nurseries, mail-order catalogues and landscape designers suggest uses for these plants in unusual ways.
Indeed, many nineteenth-century catalogues suggested that it had predicted the Revolution itself.
Some catalogues suggest that this earthquake caused a significant tsunami.