In this way, Sears hopes to get better prices and merchandise more suitable to the catalogue shopper, including goods not sold in the stores.
The catalogue shopper escapes the three-mile walk from the outer edge of the mall parking lot, or the jolly maeltsrom of festive Manhattan.
But judging from the slowdown in the number of new catalogue shoppers, the market appears to be reaching the saturation point.
Because J. C. Penney has stores nationwide, for example, Penney's catalogue shoppers are charged the sales tax levied by their states.
The pair fit the ideal profile of catalogue shoppers.
Like millions of other people, I've become a devoted catalogue shopper, ordering everything by phone, from dishes to shoes.
The company also took steps to more carefully direct its mailing to proven catalogue shoppers, a move that paid off with higher revenue per catalogue mailed.
In the last decade, the Simmons Market Research Bureau reports, the number of catalogue shoppers has quintupled while the population has increased just 11.9 percent.
The two main issues are reaching more people who want Federated's brands and bringing its own big audience of catalogue shoppers to the Web.
I was not a "tardy catalogue shopper."