The British Library holds and describes the following imprint in its catalog record:
When the label started in 1978, catalog records were often shoddy products, assembled with slapdash art and meager notation.
The bibliographic information link will query the Library's online catalog and display the catalog record for the item.
These are catalog records that, properly marketed, ought to sell steadily over a two- or three-year period.
Inventory can also identify anomalies in the catalog and provide an opportunity to correct catalog records and labeling of items.
Should you wish more information about the item, a link to its catalog record is also provided.
The catalog record gives a description of the item or collection and provides other important information such as offsite location or access restrictions.
Everything was recorded in catalog records which are decorated with "striking" portraits of exhibitors and zany references.
We plan to complete up to fifty percent of the card catalog records from this era by the end of FY12.
If the complete date is not given, the catalog record will reflect as much information as is given.