The catalog also describes other programs and accessories you might have thought were only for the big boys.
The catalog describes this piece as hypnotic and as giving a sense of warmth without heat.
The catalog for this show described Eugene as the first photographer to make successful platinum prints on Japan tissue.
The school's catalog describes it as "something new, something that does not fit, designed for the child who will not fit."
During the years 1782 to 1788, Sieber's catalog described it as "in the repertoire of the Concert Spiritual".
The Century Camera Company's catalog described the camera as follows:
The catalog described the urns as Louis XV (a k a 18th century).
An annotated catalog of the pyrenomycetes described by Charles H. Peck.
The catalog further describes the flute as being made "of ebony, with thirteen silver keys descending to the G of a violin."
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance ( Describes over 1500 federal grants.