More graphically, that means there is between one chance in 6,000 and one chance in 20,000 of a cataclysmic impact in the next 50 years.
Support for Extinction Idea Scientists say they have precisely dated a cataclysmic impact 65 million years ago that may have helped kill off the dinosaurs.
A cataclysmic impact on one world would likely leave all the others untouched.
Their task was to investigate the cataclysmic impact.
It's also a reminder of the fact that Wright, before almost anyone, saw the cataclysmic impact that the car would have on the city, and wanted to tame it.
Its cataclysmic impact is believed by some scientists to have caused or assisted in the extinction of dinosaurs.
How the solenodons survived that cataclysmic impact, which wiped out so many other species, is a mystery.
A cataclysmic impact posing a threat to life on Earth is a possibility that tomorrow's technology is capable of averting.
Such visitations had been known only half a dozen times before in all human history, and each had had cataclysmic impact.
Further, an industrywide shutdown would have a cataclysmic impact on Southern California, where show business employs 470,000 people.