Time has a plan, one with cataclysmic consequences for humanity unless Sapphire and Steel can stop it.
Think of the cataclysmic consequences that could befall the nation if some ruthless Norwegian baker tried to foist fresh bread on people on the weekend.
They finally realized that if anyone ever actually undertook to initiate a Chainfire event, it would have cataclysmic consequences.
Recent news reports have highlighted a surge in identity theft, perhaps the most cataclysmic consequence a consumer can suffer from unauthorized disclosure of personal data.
Having arrived at some form of equilibrium, Bukharin was concerned that this should not be equilibrium with 'negative indications', but one that would have mobile growth without cataclysmic consequences.
But fixed-rate systems bottle up tremendous economic forces that eventually spew forth with potentially cataclysmic consequences.
Summa Nulla is pulled into the fifth dimension... with cataclysmic consequences!
The original Green Line has since been considerably altered on the ground, with cataclysmic consequences for people on both sides.
Even on Earth, centuries past, the fate of nations had often been determined by a royal marriage or two, and a failed union could have cataclysmic consequences.
This has to do with the cataclysmic consequences of an employment policy and an industry policy whose significance for the regions affected is far more than merely economic.