Marie's father Ev said he had cat whiskers for nerves and would spend his whole life on the jump.
The plant can be distinguished by its white or purple colored flowers that resembles cat whiskers.
It is also commonly referred as "Misai Kucing" which means cat whiskers.
Eight inches long, it was braided with human hair and things like cat whiskers.
No, mate, cat whiskers are no good to anybody but the beastie what wears 'em most of the time.
The dragon turned, coiled again, reaching out to graze me with long cat whiskers.
Steve also enjoys music, plays chess, and collects cat whiskers.
A cat whisker is used to dislodge seeds from a crystal.
His cat whiskers were drooping and his fan had turned leaden gray.
There's the classic mustache, the bowlstache, the cat whiskers, the blockade, and the dragonstache, among others.