The cat woke him before dawn.
The cat woke, looked around, and went to Che, settling down against the centaur's side.
Suddenly two cats on the roof dropped down on to his naked body and woke him.
My cat woke me up yowling, and I thought I'd better bring her in.
The gray cat woke suddenly from deep sleep, curled on his master's bed.
"Yes, Belle Morte says the sleeping cats of our mother have woken to her call," Merlin said.
The cat had been snoozing beside Bubbles, but suddenly woke and set off running.
The following morning, the cat wakes in a house with a little girl, catches a lizard and gives it to the girl.
Teddy took his blocks and built them about the chair, so that when the cat woke he found himself built up inside a little house.
A white cat that had been sleeping by the furnace woke up and watched him carefully.