A cat lay strapped to a table by the fire, breathing rapidly but not stirring, as Magda leaned over it with a small, sharp knife.
The cat stirred in his hold, its head-with ears sharply pointed-swung to face the fungus.
A black-and-white cat stirred lazily, jumped off its chair and sidled out of the room.
She turned away from him, stepped up onto the porch where the cat stirred itself to wind through her legs.
At the end of the bed the senior cat stirred and swiveled her head to glance at Cassandra.
The great cat stirred from its sleep.
The cat stirred uncomfortably in Coraline's arms, as if it wanted to get down.
The big cat hadn't stirred except for a few trembles.
On the desk, the cat stirred, stretched and walked over the small gap to the man's lap, leisurely making itself comfortable.
At her feet the cat stirred restlessly.