Jhary, too, looked perturbed, for the cat was behaving uncharacteristically.
The cat behaves very well, even removing itself from the room when it cannot be useful, and following proper social behaviour.
That the cat had behaved according to its feline nature, not common sense?
The hunting instinct is triggered by movement and much depends on how the cat behaves.
The cats had behaved themselves, more or less; that was not always the case when Qwilleran had a woman visiting his living quarters.
Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously.
These cats behave ridiculously, but there's something familiar about their actions.
This cat certainly behaved like a normal animal.
Of course, every cat behaved like that, but all the same Will felt such a longing for home that tears scalded his eyes.
No cat he had ever seen behaved like this.