They hovered over the scene in their car, watching casually as Lee's ships landed and took charge.
So naturally did he do this that anyone casually watching would think nothing of his movements.
Policemen casually watch over some corners, and men sit on the front steps of shops, sipping tea.
From a sheer technical standpoint the film is not one that can be watched casually, while paying the bills or whatever.
He wandered to a group seated by a fire and watched casually the figures that began to materialize from the night's soft shadows.
Lee Prime, not too far away, had stood by the large plate glass window where he casually watched planes come and go.
A white college student said she was horrified to see the picture of a white couple casually watching the hanging of a black man.
The other men watched casually as Riaz lifted the man higher so everyone could see the life drain from his face.
My cats are casually watching their dinner disappear with less concern than they show when one of them gets the food first.
The television above was on and she watched casually an advert.