(One night on a discussion board I stumbled across a few virus writers casually discussing this very concept.)
A Barbara Walters interview with David Geffen, Hollywood billionaire and one of the more powerful voices in show business, casually discussed his now open homosexuality.
All the while, they had been casually discussing their purchase with the mother of a girl who attended school with their daughter.
These days, stocks, bonds and mutual funds are the epitome of risk taking - just the kind of product that an action hero might discuss casually in conversation.
In another episode, Siegfried and Max casually discuss the various flavors of cyanide pills they have been issued.
While I was carrying out my examination I would quite casually discuss recent events.
She didn't want to upset him before bed, or make him aware that they were casually discussing his knowledge of things he had no way of knowing at all.
How do you think I felt--to hear your sordid career discussed so casually in front of a roomful of gaping men?
"How..." She wasn't sure if this was really a fit subject to discuss so casually.
Like many other football players, Robinson casually discussed the sport's most devastating effects.