But this taboo cannot be infinitely extended to more casual connections.
Perhaps an analyst might say that the casual sexual connection in this context was the only thing that kept the group going.
For the moment, her person and her attention belonged to him, however casual the connection might be.
He had meant only to disable, to daze her for a few moments, but there was more than a casual connection between them.
Nevertheless, casual connections are made at the coffee machine, where there is always a pot brewing.
Word of mouth, casual connections and hearsay often play a larger role than rational planning.
An actuary, assuming no casual connection, might calculate the odds against such a coincidence.
He has mastered what sociologists call the "weak tie," a friendly yet casual social connection.
Sometimes even the most casual connections can lead to a new job years later.
He didn't want to have more than a casual connection with them, and he would bloody well not get involved.