This makes them of interest to a variety of people, from oral historians, to etymologists, to the casual browser.
They are mostly technical and make few concessions to the casual browser.
(This meant that casual browsers could not open the comic, or obviously see the internal content.)
Many prospectuses are very wordy making them unattractive to the casual browser, some are over 8000 words long!
Fortunately, there will be few casual browsers of "Kissinger."
But again, this clever marketing strategy does not tell casual browsers what they are really in for when they buy a particular book.
Everyone, from dance greats to relative neophytes and from fans to casual browsers, must come prepared for the unexpected.
Staff may raise their eyebrows at casual browsers, who may not touch the tomes.
It has been one of the most popular events in Madison for 50 years, drawing an estimated 200,000 people each year, including artists, students, families and casual browsers.
The idea is to let your fingers do the walking through the slit in your coat, while the rest of the body remains the casual browser.