The dark castle lay within an hour's walk.
However, it was badly hit by the Black Death of the mid-14th century, after which the wooden castle lay in ruins.
Facing south, he could make out a bit of a glow beyond the trees where the castle lay about a half a mile distant.
The castle lay far up on the side of a steep hill above the town.
Following the school's closure in 1989 the castle lay empty for a period of 6 years.
The castle lay ruinous by 1360, and has been described as "one of England's most important castles".
After the death of Miss Butler, the castle lay empty and began to fall into ruin.
The castle then lay abandoned until it was finally demolished by explosives in 1954.
Now it was clear that the castle lay beyond all but the strongest arrow-flight.
By the year 1489 the castle lay in ruins and the site was used as a quarry.