Teamster members cast 63.5 percent of all ballots against the pact.
But in the last mayoral race, they cast 57 percent of the vote.
Mrs. Groark received strong support from women, who cast 58 percent of her votes, according to the survey.
California now casts nearly 10 percent of the votes in the electoral college (and a similar percentage of those at party conventions).
Hispanic voters cast 20 percent of the 1.3 million ballots this year, up from 13 percent in 1993.
Between them, they cast 87 percent of Nevada's vote, and elect a substantial majority of the state legislature.
Nationwide in 2004, an estimated 25 million votes were cast early, roughly 20 percent of the 122 million total.
His supporters cast 69 percent of the 2,117 votes at the convention.
The city has lost plenty of its influence to the suburbs, which now cast 40 percent of the state's vote.
These two counties have only a third of the district's land, but cast 85 percent of its vote.